Saturday, January 19, 2008

Clint-Mitt win; Hunter bails.

Hillary Clinton Wins Nevada Dem Caucuses — CBS News Projects That Hillary Clinton And Mitt Romney Will Win The Nevada Caucuses — (CBS/AP) CBS News estimates that Sen. Hillary Clinton will win the Nevada Democratic caucuses. — CBS News also estimates that former Massachusetts.
Duncan Hunter drops GOP presidential bid.
Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) has just announced that he is dropping out of the GOP presidential race.


airJackie said...

You go girl!! Now Mr. Kitty and I are so happy and we're pleased with Obama's showing. Mr. Kitty is a wise Cat and it will be either on of these two. We will make history which ever candidate wins. I was just playing with the cat vote, I trust Mr. Kitty will vote for the right candidate.

Now as for Mitt the Rich boy well he still wont get the GOP nomination. I wonder what Mitt's going to do Monday Martin Luther King's birthday. Well he have the dream of his Dad marching with Dr. King and Mitt was watching it on TV. Only problem it never happen nor was it on TV. Well I'm sure Mitt will come up with a good lie again this time.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Hey Hunter, one question . . .

Hunter Who?