Thursday, January 17, 2008

Boner boy: A simple man with simple tastes.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently launched an initiative to “Green the Capitol” by selling more locally grown food and requiring the purchase of carbon offsets. In a press conference today, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) vented:
You know, we’re buying carbon credits. It reminds me of the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages when you could buy indulgences. I like the food that we had before. I like real food, food that I can pronounce the name of!

Boehner, a
notorious chain smoker, is probably just sore that he’s no longer allowed to light up in the Speaker’s Lobby.


airJackie said...

I'll be glad to see what Boner boy looks like without his tan, polished nails and hair do. Boner will be crying alot more when his pocket money stops coming in.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Chain smoker? Anybody got any unfiltered menthols?

Somebody better charge that guy triple for his health insurance when he starts pulling an oxygen tank everywhere he goes. He should ask Peter Jennings how smart it is to smoke too much, oh wait, it's too late for that.