Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Beck: FDR ‘was one evil son of a b*tch.’


Today on his CNN Headline News show, Glenn Beck went on a rant against former President Franklin D. Roosevelt, blaming him for making the Great Depression “go on and on and on for a decade.” He then added:

I have to tell you, I said on my radio show today, I`m beginning to come to a place where I just — I love my grandfather, but I just want to slap himself across the face for liking FDR. I think that was one evil son of a bitch.


Anonymous said...

Just like Clinton is still being blamed. Typical GOP thought process always blame a Democrat for your problems instead of solving them.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Does Beck actually believe all the crap he spews? How the bloody hell can a man who set in motion saving the French and the Brits from the Nazis be evil? Beck hasn't a freaking clue what the Depression was. First of all, it was international. All of the major industrialized countries were affected. He needs to go read Australian economic history. They named their era the Great Depression. Second of all, I doubt he has any clue of the magnitude or severity of the Depression.

During the last Recession (gee, under a president also named BUSH), people described it as a tightening of the belt while the Depression was called not having a belt to tighten, and the pants were worn thin.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Any bets on whether or not Beck can find Australia on a map and name its current prime minister?