Friday, December 07, 2007

SPB News for Friday.

Two-thirds of Israelis oppose attack on Iran: poll Two-thirds of Israelis oppose their country launching on its own a military attack against nuclear installations in arch-foe Iran, said a poll published on Thursday. When asked "should Israel alone attack the Iranian nuclear installations," 67.2 percent said no, while 20.9 percent said yes and 11.9 percent had no opinion, said the survey aired on public radio.

Heads up!
Treasury freezes assets of 7 people The Bush regime on Thursday took steps to clamp down financially on seven people, most of them in Syria, suspected of having ties to the Iraqi 'insurgency' or the former government of Saddam Hussein.
Iraqi officers go missing in U.S. — Numerous Iraqi military and law-enforcement officials brought to the U.S. as part of special intelligence and training programs have run away and are seeking asylum in this country or disappeared altogether, The Washington Times has learned.

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