Saturday, December 15, 2007

Pentagon/Post Office Throws Away Letters Addressed to “Any Soldier”

Crooks and Liars:

When I was a kid, my class would have to write cards to soldiers in Vietnam during the holidays, our teachers reminding us that these men and women were far from home and all the comforts of the holidays. I remember hearing how much it meant to the troops to get these little packages with childish scrawls and pictures, along with the socks and chocolate and other treats we would send along to bring them a little bit of home in the Vietnamese jungle. Maybe that’s why this seems so simultaneously poignant and pathetic.

Hundreds of thousands of holiday cards and letters thanking wounded American troops for their sacrifice and wishing them well never reach their destination. They are returned to sender or thrown away unopened.

Since the Sept. 11 attacks and the anthrax scare, the Pentagon and the Postal Service have refused to deliver mail addressed simply to “Any Wounded Soldier” for fear terrorists or opponents of the war might send toxic substances or demoralizing messages.[..]
USO spokesman John Hanson said that like the military, the nonprofit service organization does not deliver unopened mail to unspecified recipients. He said the USO worries about security as well as hateful messages from war critics.

“We just want to make sure it’s not, `Die, baby killer,’” he said. “There are people out there who act irrationally, and we don’t want anyone to get a message that would be discouraging.”


KittyBowTie1 said...

Gee, I thought we sunk so low that I just assumed there were people opening up all of the mail, reading it, and censoring it. I guess I was wrong on that.

SP Biloxi said...

And it is shame the way the Pentagon is treating the soldiers.