Friday, December 14, 2007

Mobster's antics may be grounds for new trial.


Drug-dealing gang-banger Aaron Patterson once registered voters and protested police brutality in his role as a community activist.

Now, he might be helping "The Clown" and "Little Jimmy" - two old-time Chicago mobsters who want a new trial after convictions leave them facing life behind bars.

On Tuesday, a federal appeals court ruled a man who was on trial with Patterson in 2005 should get a new trial because of Patterson's antics during the case, which included - on different occasions - gesturing at the jury, yelling out and knocking two lawyers to the ground.

The decision bolstered attorneys for some mobsters in the "Family Secrets" mob case. They want a new trial for their clients, saying the defendants didn't get a fair one because of the behavior of one defendant, mob killer Frank Calabrese Sr.

Prosecutors had no comment on the defense filings but are expected to argue that there's a difference between Patterson's and Calabrese Sr.'s actions.,121307mob.article

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Anonymous said...
