Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Meet a moron in Congress.

Crooks and Liars:
Many congressional Republicans have complained lately that lawmakers aren’t doing enough to tackle the policy issues that really matter. To help highlight his caucus’ concerns, Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), easily among the top five looniest members of the chamber, will bring H.Res. 847 to the floor today. It will put the House on record stating that Christmas and Christians are important.
Seriously. John Bresnahan noted:
As someone with a Christian background, I can safely say this may be the silliest resolution ever introduced by, or voted upon, by Congress, although I am a little curious to see if anyone will vote against it.
Do we really need Congress to say Christmas and the Christian faith are important? Isn’t that pretty self evident by now? Don’t Christians already pretty much run everything in this country, except for the mainstream media, which is of course controlled by a Jewish-Illuminati-Bill Gates cabal? Don’t we already get Dec. 25 off?
Ya think???


airJackie said...

Well as the GOP Congress is trying hard to stop the investigations of crimes done by the White House and DOJ this is one way to off sit that. Our Government is corrupt yet the most important matter to handle is Christmas for the record. Great stall action to stop the wheels of Justice.

KittyBowTie1 said...

That should be:

"Meet one of dozens of morons in Congress."