Thursday, December 13, 2007

Legion of Doom Bush League Justice: Partisan Corruption of the DoJ

Crooks and Liars:

Dan Abrams continues his series on how the Bush administration (in particular, Dick Cheney and Karl Rove) has wreaked havoc on the Department of Justice with a look today at how corrupted and nastily partisan prosecutions have become, with the DoJ going after more than five times the number of Democrats as Republicans and using party and Bush loyalty as the overriding criteria for hiring attorneys.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse:

The Bush administration forgot that the sign outside says “United States Department of Justice” not “Bush Administration Department of Justice”. And the cost to us has been as a country and the cost to the department in particular has been terribly high.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

It is a shame to see a once great Justice System destroyed in 7 years. Now Mikie can add his name to the list of idiot followers. One would think Mikie had a great career and could have gone out on a positive note, now he'll go out a liar and loser. The young snake better hurry up and get that Deputy AG job. Mark is the right snake for the job as he will make sure Mikie is out of the top spot fast.