Friday, December 07, 2007

Latinos shifting to the Democratic Party; Thanks, Tancredo.

Crooks and Liars:

Rahm, can you hear me?

By 57 percent to 23 percent, more Hispanic registered voters say they favor Democrats than Republicans, according to a survey by the nonpartisan Pew Hispanic Center.
That 34 percentage point Democratic edge — which includes people who said they lean toward either party — has grown since July 2006, when a Pew poll measured a 21 point difference. Then, 49 percent of registered Hispanic voters said they favored Democrats and 28 percent chose Republicans.

The Tom Tancredo/Malkin’s of the GOP are to thank for this shift and I hope Rahm Emanuel is listening. Why he would push for this crazy
Heath Shuler immigration stance is beyond me….

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