Friday, December 07, 2007

Jenna Bush Phone Home on 'Ellen' Show.

Sounds staged to me..

NEW YORK (AP) — Jenna Bush, phone home. The first daughter appeared nervous when Ellen DeGeneres asked her to call her parents during a taping of DeGeneres' talk show Tuesday. The show aired Wednesday. "They're going to kill me," the 26-year-old told DeGeneres. "I'm going to be in so much trouble."

"No, they're going to be thrilled," DeGeneres said. "Why wouldn't they want to say `hi' to everybody and say Merry Christmas?"

"They may have wanted some warning," responded Bush, who was on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" to promote her new book, "Ana's Story: A Journey of Hope."
All was well, though, when she reached her parents on speakerphone.

"I'm just sitting here with daddy," Laura Bush told her daughter, to which DeGeneres chimed in: "Oh hey! It's Ellen. I wanted to say hi to daddy."

So the president got on the line: "How's my little girl doing?"

"Oh, she's great. She's scared she's going to get in trouble because I just said, `Is it easy to just pick up the phone and call your dad anytime?'" DeGeneres said. "And now she's scared she's not going to get any Christmas presents."
Bush said he wasn't angry.

"I do want to say Merry Christmas to your audience, and I want to tell my little girl I love her," the president said.

"I love you too, Dad," Jenna responded.

1 comment:

PrissyPatriot said...

The girl did look nervous, like she wasn't sure Daddy could be counted on not to "flip out"...

Funny how no one mentions he was "drinkin hard" the whole time his daughters were growing up!