Friday, December 07, 2007

Jack of All Trades Abramoff ‘not down in the dumps’ in prison.

Washington Whispers reports:

After a little more than a year in prison, defrocked K Street lobbyist Jack Abramoff appears to be settling into his cramped, no-frills lifestyle. Sources with inside info report that the lobbyist who once plied lawmakers with goodies has acclimated to life inside a minimum-security Maryland prison 130 miles from Washington. We’re told that he’s “not down in the dumps” and has maintained a steady composure despite his five-year, 10-month sentence in a Florida fraud case and his upcoming sentencing for fraud, tax evasion, and conspiracy to bribe public officials. … Still, he frets that the one call he’s waiting for hasn’t come through. “He thinks somebody’s going to write the great biography on him,” says a friendly source.

1 comment:

KittyBowTie1 said...

Check it out! Another guy wearing the ugly blue shirt with the white collar thing. Do all the crooks and creeps shop at the same freaking store?