Tuesday, December 11, 2007


In the December 6, 2007 speech about his Mormon religion as it relates to being president, Mitt Romney made a series of very disturbing statements. "Freedom requires religion," he said, "just as religion requires freedom...Freedom and religion endure together or perish alone." No, sir! Freedom does not require religion. Religion is, in fact, often a form of tyranny. Romney went on to say: "Our greatness would not long endure without judges who respect the foundation of faith upon which our constitution rests. I will take care to separate the affairs of government from any religion, but I will not separate us from the God who gave us liberty." Does that mean that judges who are atheists or, God forbid, Muslim, are not fit to serve? And that the constitution is not the source of our freedom? That’s exactly what Romney says a short while later:

"Americans acknowledge that liberty is a gift from God, not an indulgence of government."
Comparing Romney’s muddled, ignorant and theocratic ramblings to the thoughtful, lucid speech given by John F. Kennedy when he was running for president forces us to ask the following question: How stupid have we become as a nation? See for yourself if you don’t think Romney is a giant, leaking asshole when compared to the last person who had to grapple with the issue of his religion as it relates to the highest office in the land.



Part 2.



airJackie said...

This Mitt's worse nightmare to have Larry Flynt against him. Now Larry will be looking into the secrets of Mitt. Mitt might be a Mormon but he's no angel. As Mitt's wife was suffering from MS Larry will find out just what the Rich man was doing and who he was doing it to. I guess Larry first check the immigrant housekeepers just the young ones. Mitt knows an immigrant can't file charges, they would only be deported. Don't forget Mitt knows Mormon men can have more then one partner.

SP Biloxi said...

Hate him or not, Flynt is very concern for this country as a taxpayer. And I know his purpose in the Clinton/Monica saga was to expose the hypocrite lawmakers. But, Flynt is now speaking out about the hypocrisy of certain candidates like Romney that use religion. My hats off to Flynt for speaking out.

KittyBowTie1 said...

What about freedom from religion?

There's an atheist in Illinois who files a lawsuit at least once a year in an attempt to get his daughter in a public school freedom from religion.

The idiots in Springfield are closing in on a year late on their budget (usually done in April to start in July) but they found the time to make kids have a moment of silence/prayer at the beginning of the school day.

Oh yeah, the atheist filed a lawsuit challenging it.