Crooks and Liars:
Truly, is there anyone less logical and self-aware than Bill O’Reilly? Well, I guess anyone who watches Bill and believes him (as opposed to using him for comic relief).
Truly, is there anyone less logical and self-aware than Bill O’Reilly? Well, I guess anyone who watches Bill and believes him (as opposed to using him for comic relief).
Billo brings on former White House Spokesman Tony Snow to agree with him that the left and their media are completely out of touch with America. Actually, I just described EVERY O’Reilly Factor show, didn’t I? However, in yesterday’s edition of “When did I wake up on this side of the looking glass?” O’Reilly claims that it is the left wants the election to be all about Jesus so they don’t have to deal with the areas in which they’re weak:
O’REILLY: There have been more questions on religion than terrorism. If the media can keep the argument on Jesus, and not on terrorism, taxes, redistribution of income, all of these things that the Democrats might have a little problem with, then that’s a big win for the Democrats. Keep it on Jesus, keep it into the bible thumping ‘he’s a Baptist, he’s a Mormon, Giuliani married three times.’ Keep it there and you win, that’s a good strategy, Snow!
SNOW: Ah you know what? I don’t think they’re going to beat Jesus.
After the Republicans using Jesus's in the past 7 years and doing Satan's work you have to wonder. If this lie works for Americans this time look for some country to invade and take over the US, because American people will believe anything their told no matter how stupid it sounds. Now wonder God doesn't bless America anymore.
"Truly, is there anyone less logical and self-aware than Bill O’Reilly?"
Besides Horseface Coulter??
The GOP ran on the GOD ticket, and now all the candidates it has are so far removed, crossdresser, mob loving, wife cheating, that they have to turn this around, if they are going to have a chance. The Gerbil said in both inagural addresses that God wanted him to be president.\
I used to watch Faux news for comic relief myself, then I realized how sad it was that there are people that take this Faux Noise Network seriously, too scary.
Hey Gerbil, God called, and SHE's angry you lied about her.
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