Thursday, December 13, 2007

Business must be slow for Falafel King.

From Nicole Belle of Crooks and Liars:

Bill O’Reilly brings in Dennis Miller to talk about the apparently rampant problem of 11-year-old girls taking pictures of themselves in states of undress and sending them to their boyfriends. Funny enough, I could only find one such example of said problem in the news, so I have to wonder what exactly O’Reilly’s motivation was in bringing it up. Not to discount this particular case (because, as a mother, I hope I’m raising my children to have more self-respect than to do things like that, especially at such a young age), but it hardly seems like an epidemic for which to condemn modern parenting skills, as Billo tries to do here. Even Dennis Miller can’t take it that seriously.

Bill-O got issues.. And he wrote a children's book???

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