Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Another Blackwater Overseer at State Dep't Bails.


Make that two State Department officials overseeing Blackwater to resign. On November 30, Kevin Barry, a top official at the State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security -- Blackwater's liaison office -- opted to spend more time with the family. Barry joins the Bureau's chief, who
quit in October.

Barry's departure is surprising, as his star was so recently on the rise at Foggy Bottom. Shortly after an internal State review in October recommended a massive overhaul of the Bureau's process for overseeing State's security contractors, ABC News reported that Barry and a colleague, Justine Sincavage, nevertheless received promotions. And on December 4th, TPMmuckraker published State Department cables showing that despite Blackwater's Nisour Square shootings becoming State's biggest scandal this year, both Barry and Sincavage were slated to receive pay bonuses of between $10,000 and $15,000 for "outstanding performance," effective December 20.

1 comment:

PrissyPatriot said...

What is considered poor performance in Bushworld? Doing your damn job?