Thursday, December 06, 2007

And the gold goes to....

Crooks and Liars:

Columnist and FOXNews regular, Charles Krauthammer, won the Bronze award on Countdown’s Worst Person in the World segment on Wednesday, for his misrepresentation of the recent non-embryonic stem cell discovery, claiming President Bush’s ban made it possible — which is a total fabrication. BillO gets the Silver for his latest War On Christmas segment where he chided a woman who is trying to take the commercialization out of Christmas, and Gold went to Mitt Romney for doing his best Donald Trump by abruptly firing the landscaping company that worked at his mansion after being called out for it by Rudy Giuliani in the last Republican debate. Now that’s one classy guy…


KittyBowTie1 said...

Off topic, Miss Utah.

Good luck to her. It would be nice to see a Miss America who can kick butt.

SP Biloxi said...

Gee, I didn't knpw that you were into the Miss America pageant, kittybowtie.. ;-)

Yes, it would be nice if the military woman is crowned for Miss America.