Wednesday, December 05, 2007

And the gold goes to....

CNN should stand for Crooked Nimrod Network. What was Dodd thinking?

Crooks and Liars:

Tonight’s Worst Person in the World segment on Countdown saw Alberto Gonzales taking home the Bronze after having a college speaking engagement canceled after asking a modest $35,000 speaking fee even though precisely ZERO students expressed interest in hearing him speak. The Silver went to E.D. Hill of FOXNews for politicizing the recent hostage situation at a Hillary Clinton campaign office, but Keith Olbermann gives the Gold medal and absolutely lays waste to CNN’s resident xenophobe, Lou Dobbs. Dobbs went ballistic on his show, attacking LA Times media critic, Tim Rutten, who criticized CNN for over emphasizing the immigration issue during their last YouTube debate — but Mr. Dobbs has a problem. He has two daughters who are heavily involved in show jumping, an activity that is heavily dependent on undocumented workers. Basically, Lou threatens undocumented workers on his show, then pays them to clean up after his daughter’s horses. Nice…

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