Wednesday, December 12, 2007

AIDS comments alarm Ryan White's mother.

DES MOINES, Iowa - Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee's 15-year-old comments that AIDS patients should have been isolated have so alarmed the mother of Ryan White, an Indiana teenager whose life-ending battle with AIDS in the 1980s engrossed the nation, that she has asked for a meeting.

"I would be very willing to meet with them," the former Arkansas governor responded Tuesday while campaigning in western Iowa. "I would tell them we've come a long way in research, in treatment."
More on the story.


KittyBowTie1 said...

Thanks. It looks like you remembered what I wrote the other day about Huckabuck's ignorant remarks and the horrible ordeal for Ryan White and his family.

SP Biloxi said...

Yes, I remembered your comments, kittybowtie. I may not be blogging alot due to a busy schedule and commitment on projects. But, I do read everyone's comments on the blog.

I remembered Ryan White. And Huckabuck's remarks towards the AIDS virus is pure ignorant. There has been alot of progress of AIDS treatment since Ryan's death and the awareness of AIDS. Huckabuck tends to forget that Magic Johnson contracted HIV and he is heterosexual. And I have to agree with Ryan's mother: AIDS shouldn't be a shameful word. It needs to be talked about and put awareness for people.

airJackie said...

This just shows that an idiot will say anything for a vote. Huckaberry said this for the Christian base and look for more stupid things to come. Now that Huck is leading you'll hear about how he loves free gifts and his wife is really a Dick Cheney killer. Nice try to say Mrs. Huck is submissive but the people of her State know, she is as much a man as her husband. Now I'm waiting for Mitt to say he got a phone call from God as Huck has been talking to God alot lately. Don't we have people who are insane as they said God told them to kill.