Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Yesterday's gold medal goes to...

Crooks and Liars:
Tuesday’s Worst Person In The World segment began with the Bronze award going to disgraced former Republican Tom Delay for saying he’d like to “bitch slap” the New York Times’ Paul Krugman, the Silver went to CNN’s Glenn Beck for continuing the false rumor from an article by Robert Novak claiming the Clinton campaign had juicy information on Barack Obama, and the Gold went to The Pentagon’s Selective Enlistment Bonus Division for demanding a soldier who was wounded so badly by an IED that he was no longer able to serve, give back part of his enlistment bonus.
Olbermann: “…But even if his was the only case like this, the Pentagon and the administration should be hanging it’s collective head in shame. The letter Fox received about his SEB, his Selective Enlistment Bonus, actually uses the phrase — indebtedness due us — You, you JACKASSES, are indebted to Jordan Fox and everybody like him.”

1 comment:

KittyBowTie1 said...

"Yesterday's gold medal goes to..."

anyone but juiced up Marion Jones. . . .