Friday, November 09, 2007

Where will Bush and Laura spend their retirement years?

"One thing is for certain about the post-presidency of George W. Bush: 'Under no circumstances' will first lady Laura Bush spend her retirement years living at the much-ballyhooed Texas ranch that she and the president have been 'escaping' to for the past seven years." The Washington Times reports that the Bush family will settle down in Dallas and visit the Crawford ranch for weekend getaways.


airJackie said...

This the false story the Bush Family wants released. Laura has her won home in Texas and we must not forget those divorced papers filed in the Texas court. Laura and George will go their separate ways when he leaves office. Yes the Media will try to cover it up but it will come out. Even Queen Elizabeth was told by Laura of the breakup of their marriage. The Media is trying hard to cover up the fact that this marriage has been over before George stole the Oval Office. Laura's Texas boyfriend will have something to say about this one. He has been behind the scenes and snicking visits to his lady love.
But who really cares about these two idiots anyway. Laura did her job and got paid for it.

Anonymous said...

Where ever they end up, who cares, as long as we don't have to see hide nor hair of either of them.