Wednesday, November 21, 2007

SPB News for Wednesday:

Close to $100...

$99: Price of crude oil, a new record. “The market is now really looking at $100 a barrel as the next target to hit,” said Victor Shum, an energy analyst in Singapore.

WH titanic spokesperson's Thanksgiving dream...

The Washington Examiner asked White House Press Secretary Dana Perino “what she likes to make for Thanksgiving.” Her response? “Glass of red wine. Directions: 1. Buy bottle of red wine, 2. Un-cork the bottle, 3. Pour wine into glass.”

Shakeups and more political shakeups...

OMAHA — Republican Jon Bruning ended his U.S. Senate campaign on Tuesday night, deferring to and endorsing the candidate many consider a prohibitive front-runner, former governor and U.S. Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns.

Nebraska’s attorney general ended his five-month campaign after raising more than $1 million for his bid to succeed outgoing Republican Chuck Hagel, money Bruning said he will sit on to possibly use in a future run.

“If I do my job, political opportunities will come,’’ said Bruning, who is serving his second term as attorney general. “The timing wasn’t with me this time, but I’m confident the time will come someday.’’

Bruning said that neither Johanns nor anybody from the party asked him to end his campaign. In endorsing Johanns, Bruning said they simply agreed on the issues and he didn’t want to campaign against someone he liked.

“I hope people realize that I was willing to put the state’s interests, the party’s interests, ahead of my personal interests,’’ Bruning said. “I didn’t want to be the guy that divided the Republican party.’’

Bruning is the second GOP hopeful to drop out after Johanns’ intentions became clear. Former U.S. Rep. Hal Daub ended his short Senate bid in September when it became obvious Johanns would run. Bruning at the time repeated the message on which he entered the race — that he would not defer to any candidate.
More on the story.

New York 19: Saul Dropping Out

In a stunning development, wealthy businessman Andrew Saul (R) is making calls to inform supporters and GOP insiders that he is dropping his candidacy in New York’s 19th District. Saul was widely regarded as a strong Republican recruit to take on freshman Democratic Cong. John Hall (D). Saul’s ability to self-finance and the Republican-tilt of the district made it a top GOP target. But now, his exit from the race leaves Republicans looking for a credible challenger.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Well SPB looks like Mr. Kitty and myself can now look to getting in office at some point. There are many seats opening up and more to come. I would love to work side by side with Mr. Kitty. A wise cat is hard to find these days. As for the oil prices well beware of Chavez and the Iran President. With the US dollar dropping lower everyday do the math. Oil could be at 300 dollars a barrel and miss thing Purina will have to walk to get her booze. Yes just think of it gas prices could be as much as 15 dollars a gallon. If Gonzo needs the money I might ask him to said a veggie garden for me in my backyard.