Thursday, November 08, 2007

Gonzo Alert! Gonzo to Give Speech in Florida.

Gonzo's new gig?


The former attorney general, who left office two months ago under a cloud of controversy, will give a speech later this month at the University of Florida.
The student newspaper, the Alligator, reports that Gonzales will be paid $40,000 for the Nov. 19 appearance, which was made possible by ACCENT -- the student-run speakers bureau.
That group is funded by students' activity fees. It's unknown if any students or organization are opposing Gonzales' speech, his first campus visit since leaving office Sept. 14.
ACCENT's Web site says it "brings controversial and influential speakers to the university, with the intent of further educating the student body, outside of the classroom, on current hot topics and controversies."
Gonzales' 2 1/2 year tenure at the Justice Department was marred in the end by scandals and investigations involving the politicization of the department and the yet-unexplained dismissal of nine U.S. attorneys last year.
Gonzo, the "I don't recall" former AG on the speaking circuit??? LOL!
Breaking news: I have obtained the text of his speech.
Spanish version:
Las damas y caballeros,

Yo no puedo recordar.

Da las gracias para el dinero.

George Bush es Jeebus.

Ellos me atacan causo que sea latina.


English version:
Ladies and gentlemen,
I cannot recall.
Thanks for the money.
George Bush is Jeebus.
They are attacking me cause I’m Latino.


airJackie said...

Gonzo needs the money. Now the Florida will get to see the AG who will soon be indicted and go to jail. These crooks have no shame now is Gonzo going to talk about how he followed the orders of Dick.
I know the investigators will want the transcript as to see if he gives any inside informaiton.

Anonymous said...

What a waste of money, give it to a homeless shelter, or youth group, no kill animal shelter, anything, if they have 40K to waste, put it to good use.