Saturday, November 03, 2007

Giuliani’s wet dream VP: Supreme Leader Dick.

Here are the Rudy McRomney crew... Man, Rudy is really spreading the crapola thick...


In a radio interview with “The Big Picture on the Radio Show” on South Carolina’s ETV Radio, Rudy Giuliani talked about how he plans to choose his vice president:

would want a vice president who was a partner. Someone who was in on everything that was going on, so that that person could take over if, God forbid, something happened. […]

How do you pick a vice president? … I think Vice President Cheney and President Bush’s pick of Vice President Cheney is a good example of picking someone who is qualified to be president of the United States. That is number one — it’s paramount.


Anonymous said...

So Rudy wants a Supreme leader?

SP Biloxi said...

And with Rudy cross-dressing, his pick can go for either gender!

KittyBowTie1 said...

Let's hook up Rudy with Kodos and Kang (the green aliens) on "The Simpsons." They could help him out with that whole Supreme Leader thing.

airJackie said...

Mr. Kitty I love the Simpsons. Remember when one of them Kodos or Kang got Marge pregnant and when they become President of the US and had Americans as slaves. Dressed as Clinton/Dole.

Now as for the Supreme Leader being VP again well Rudy might get kisses and hugs from Cheney will the voters will now know he's not really a candidate. Mitt should pick up on this and run with it. That would be the USA's worse nightmare to his the Supreme Leader running the country for another 4 years. Even Republicans would vote with Cheney's name on the ticket. Well just 2% of the votes anyway would support Cheney. They would be mail in votes from those overseas. To rich to stay in the United States. At lease the Rich know to have a home overseas and in the US. Well they get free medical care while overseas and come back sometimes to their home in the US to look down at people who don't have. Makes since.