Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Future photo.

Think Progress Report: 21 Reasons To Give Thanks

1. We're thankful for our country's troops.

2. We're thankful the minimum wage has been increased for the first time in a decade.

3. We're thankful MC Rove has more free time to work on his dance moves.

4. We're thankful Congress has "wasted time" trying to end the war in Iraq.

5. We're thankful radio stations don't play "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran."

6. We're thankful for journalists like Molly Ivins, who was never afraid to "raise hell."

7. We're (not) thankful for wide stances.

8. We're thankful to Michael Moore, whose documentary SiCKO started a national discussion on health care reform.

9. We're thankful people don't call us Buzzy, Cookie, Brownie, or Scooter.

10. We're thankful we can now call Al Gore the "Oscar-winning, Emmy-winning, Nobel Prize laureate" former vice president of the United States.

11. We're thankful Andy Card and Alberto Gonzales won't visit our bedside if we're sick in the hospital.

12. We're thankful not all Dick Cheney's cousins think like he does.

13. We're thankful to be considered one of the "ten most dangerous organizations in America."

14. We're thankful that visiting the Mall of America isn't really like visiting Iraq.

15. We're thankful President Bush isn't giving out any more back rubs.

16. We're thankful for 12-year olds who can take down Rush Limbaugh in a fight.

17. We're thankful our Halloween costumes aren't very "original."

18. We're thankful no one (except the birds) gets hurt when Dick Cheney goes hunting now.

19. We're thankful for "phony soldiers" who have the courage to speak out about the war in Iraq.

20. We're thankful the "Commander Guy" has only 425 days left in office.

21. We're thankful for the Thinkprogress website! Cheers!

Have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving to all JL readers! Will be back with new postings on Friday!

P.S. Enjoy the slideshow (located above the poll) for Thanksgiving! The Hall of Justice slide show will presume back on Friday.


KittyBowTie1 said...

I'm ready to see the Gerbil's face on Nixon's body, doing the V-wave with his fingers.

SP Biloxi said...

"I'm ready to see the Gerbil's face on Nixon's body,"

I'm not waiting on that, kittybowtie. I ran out of patience on that. I'm waiting for him to get a good swift kick in the ass with spurs for destroying this country. And ship the Clown and his boss to Abu Ghraib without a one way ticket back home. That way we can get rid of the aweful smell of sulfur that we had to endure for 6 years.

Anyhoo, have a wonderful Thanksgiving, everyone! Signing off! Biloxi man out!!!

Anonymous said...

have a great day guys.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Happy Thanksgiving!


SP Biloxi said...

Hey, Kittybowtie!

Hilarious cat video. Maybe those cats can put their name in the hat to run for office. I had to laugh at the owner who asked his cat did he love him. LOL!

Anyway, family is arriving today. Got to run. Lots of food to grub on. Hope your owner feed you some Turkey cat food as a special treat today. ;-)

airJackie said...

I wish all my friends a wonderful Thanksgiving. Now as for my dear friend Mr. Kitty who might not eat turkey I hope the fish is extra good today.

Oh I just wanted to say that Hillary's campaign did collections for Military Families so they could have a nice Thanksgiving. Ya I know everyone gives the lip service I support our troops but nothing else. Good Girl Hillary for once again stepping up to the plate and doing something, while others just talk.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Good for Hillary. There can never be enough support for the troops and their families.

I got some yummy turkey. I also got yelled at by Mama because I got too close to the open oven door when she checked on the turkey. She thought I was going to try to jump in the oven to get to the turkey and burn my paws trying. I was smart enough to get close for a good smell. I could tell the oven was HOT.

Anonymous said...

In rememberance of JFK,

SP Biloxi said...


Thank you for sharing that JFK video. Excellent speech and so true to today. I will post the video for Friday.

Hey, Markie!

Happy Turkey day!