Friday, November 02, 2007

‘Daily Show’: Valerie Plame Wilson’s Covert Bosom.

From Truthdig:

Say what you want about the serious news function of satirical shows like “The Daily Show” in today’s treacherous media landscape, but only those, like Jon Stewart, operating in the Comedy Central orbit can get away with asking ex-CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson if her breasts “are still working for the CIA.”

Yes, Ms. Wilson was on Jon Stewart. She did a great job and so did Stewart. But, I couldn't get past the mentioning of one of the passages in her book about her breastfeeding her child that was redacted out by the CIA! Breastfeeding??? Part of National Security, eh? Go figure! Also, check out Ms. Wilson's comment to Stewart about reporter Bob Novak. Enjoy! Have a great weekend!


airJackie said...

Jon did a better interview then Katie. I am glad Valerie looked happy and she bitch slapped Novak.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Anybody except Horseface Coulter could have done a better interview. A 20-year-old journalism student could have done a better interview than Couric. By the way, it's an Eastern European name and it is really supposed to be pronounced:

Coor rich, as in rhyming with 'bitch.'

SP Biloxi said...

Anyone with a brain could have done a better interview than Couric. She needs to go to journalist school. Even Jon Stewart a comedian did a great job interviewing Ms. Wilson than Horseface Katie.