Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Cartoon for Wednesday: Hillary's Green Thumb


PrissyPatriot said...

Ohio Gov just endorsed COULD he?? (Sorry in advance to Jackie and other Hil fans;)

Edwards 08

airJackie said...

It's ok Prissypatriot I don't mind. I do like Hillary and I was lucky to get the chance to ask her a question on a phone case thing. She's cool and answered my question about Health Care. I've talked to some of my friends who like other candidates and we respect all view points. They laugh at me because they expected me to vote for Obama because he's black and I'm black. Those days are gone. As a Mother raising kids I'm glad my son's learned the leadership and respect of woman. When my sons said they listen to the debates and read about the views of each candidate and felt Hillary had the best qualifications I realized I did a good job. Peaches was so funny when some of the soldiers from Ft. Drum came by and told me to vote for Hillary I laughed and said you guys are voting for her. Yes we have some smart young people who looked at qualifications and not the favor of the Month. But then again what do our troops know anyway their just the ones putting their lives on the line, while the rest of us watch dancing with the stars. America doesn't feel it's time for a Woman to be a leader but it's great to see President Bush welcome all the Female President's from other countries isn't it. We teach other countries to develop Woman's Rights as they pick female Presidents while America is putting woman back in the kitchen.

Anonymous said...

Bushes and Clintons aren't the only ones bringing you wag the dog news...but good that someone notices.