Friday, November 16, 2007

AG Mukasey's Crew.


President George W. Bush today promoted three Department of Justice officials to top posts while bringing two outsiders to fill jobs that have been vacant for several months.

Bush nominated Gregory Katsas, the current acting associate attorney general in the department's number-three position, to head the Civil Division -- which was vacated by the departing Peter Keisler. Until Michael Mukasey's arrival a few days ago, Keisler also was acting attorney general. Katsas had taken over in August for William Mercer, who returned to his former post as U.S. attorney in Montana.

For deputy attorney general, Bush picked U.S. District Judge Mark Filip of the Northern District of Illinois. He would replace Craig Morford, a career U.S. attorney who arrived from Cleveland in August to replace Paul McNulty. Mercer and McNulty, who resigned as the number-two person in the department and joined Baker & McKenzie, were at the center of the controversy over the firings of nine U.S. attorneys in 2006.

Kevin O'Connor, the U.S. Attorney for Connecticut who has served as chief of staff to ex-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Keisler, and Mukasey during his first few days in office, was nominated to be the next associate attorney general.

Grace Becker, a deputy assistant attorney general in the Civil Rights Division, will now head that division as assistant attorney general. Becker replaces Rena Comisac, who is a principal deputy assistant attorney general and has headed the troubled division since the departure of Wan Kim.

Nathan Hochman of Hochman, Salkin, Rettig, Toscher & Perez of Beverly Hills, Calif. was nominated to head the Tax Division, which was headed temporarily by Richard Morrison after the departure of Eileen O'Connor to Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman.

Separately, Mukasey this afternoon named Brett Gerry his chief of staff to replace O'Connor. Gerry until now had been the acting assistant attorney general in the Office of Legal Policy and will serve in that capacity until a permanent replacement arrives.

For the full list of nominations and backgrounds, click on this White House link.
Meanwhile, Ron Tenpas, the acting assistant attorney general for the Environment and Natural Resources Division, is awaiting full Senate action after his nomination cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee recently.

There's no word yet on Steven Bradbury, the principal deputy assistant attorney general at the Office of Legal Counsel. His nomination has languished for more than two years because of Senate opposition.Another official serving on an interim basis is Brian Benczkowski, who heads the Office of Legislative Affairs as principal deputy assistant attorney general.

Yup, a judge!!!! And he is certainly a Bush lackey.
There's more from McClatchy Newspaper:
Filip, a Harvard Law School graduate and former federal prosecutor, has received glowing reviews from lawyers in Chicago in his short time on the bench. In a review of federal judges, the Chicago Council of Lawyers said Filip was "impartial" and "open-minded."
"His integrity is unquestioned," the council said.
Shortly after his nomination to the bench, Filip contributed $2,000 to Bush's campaign. The Center for Investigative Reporting, the California-based nonprofit group that first revealed his contribution, reported that Filip also had volunteered as a Republican election monitor in Florida during the 2000 presidential election.
In an unusual recusal after his confirmation, Filip removed himself from handling a lawsuit that arose out of an election dispute involving then-independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader. He revealed that he'd signed a nominating petition for the candidate.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Mark Filip got rewarded for his job of holding back those indictments against the White House. Such a young man but he used his legal degree to protect the Government criminals. Yes this will show future lawyers what the US Legal System really is. We have no Justice System just the criminal GOP law book. Mark has been working with the GOP on criminal investigation that even involved the possible murder of John Kennedy Jr. by the Bush Family. For those who have forgotten John John's case is unsolved and was closed. Yes this young man made the mistake of saying he would run for office. With that the GOP and Bush Family knew their plan wouldn't work so as was done before to his father John John had to go. It's all in the dates and the paper trail. Yes the young Mark Filip was chosen to do the work of the GOP and moved up the ranks while showing his loyalty. This is how it works in the United States no longer honest, law abiding people get the jobs it's those who follow the criminal policy.

Once a legal system is broken, economy has fallen, weak Military and dishonest Law Makers any country can be invaded. The US is now going down that path. No longer do the words of JFK have meaning " Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". Yes our current President has lied and stolen and destroy this once great country.