Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Yo, Ho, Ho, and a bottle of stupidity.

Despite the tabling of the resolution, an apparently chastened and spineless Rep. Stark did formally apologize to the Clown President for his remarks. Another one caves in. And Congress wonders why their approval ratings are only 11%?

Howie at DWT:

You might be interested in knowing that 5 Democrats voted with the Republicans on condemning Rep Stark and another 8– all reactionaries– voted “Present,” refusing to come to Stark’s defense. You can probably guess the names of the disgraceful 13 Democrats.

5 Democrats (all freshmen):

Jason Altmire (PA)
Chris Carney (PA)
Joe Donnelly (IN)
Brad Ellsworth (IN)
Heath Shuler (NC)

The 8 who voted "present":

Dave Loebsack of Iowa
Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri
Dan Boren (OK)
Lincoln Davis (TN)
Baron Hill (IN)
Tim Mahoney (FL)
Charlie Melancon (LA)
Dennis Moore (KS)

1 comment:

airJackie said...

If he can't stand up for truth he needs to be replaced. Every American knows every word he said was the truth but to back down and fell to the puppet and the Supreme Leader makes him a coward.