Thursday, October 25, 2007

Write your own caption.

First lady Laura Bush, on a tour of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates and Jordan, sat with a breast cancer survivor, Nabweia Hussein al-Zaabi, during a conversation with survivors at the Sheikh Khalifa Medical Center in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. During her travels Mrs. Bush will visit several cancer treatment centers to help begin a new cancer awareness in the region.


Anonymous said...

And what is she doing for women in this country???

airJackie said...

She has nothing better to do. The Bush Family is paying her 10 million dollars to stay in the marriage until George's term is over. Laura has already filed for her 18 months divorce. Now when the idiot got his second term it cost them to keep this fake marriage going. Laura finds ways to get out of traveling with George. This trip is just to get out of the US and she can spend some time away with her Texas boyfriend. Her house has already been built. Now telling woman about cancer is a waste of their time.

Anonymous said...

Laura Bush cannot see the faces of the American women either. She doesn't live in the reality that rest of us live in...we cannot afford the deductibles, our co-pays, etc.

We are too busy worrying how to fill our propane tanks with companies like BP pulling their tricks and laughing at us. Wonder if us poor folks will get a refund or the crooks in charge get jail time?

SP Biloxi said...

Very good analogy, Anon!

The bottomline to the Administration: they rather take care of another country and not their own.