Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wilkes: I like Cunningham ‘cause he's not the brightest.

From TPM:
For a contractor, what's the best kind of congressman? The dumb and powerful variety.
The San Diego Union-Tribune on yesterday's proceedings at Brent Wilkes' trial for bribing Duke Cunningham:
Randal Kerley, a former Wilkes employee in the early days of ADCS, testified Wednesday morning that Wilkes was pleased when Cunningham was appointed to the appropriations committee.
“He thought it would be beneficial to us,” Kerley said about Wilkes.
When he asked why, Kerley said Wilkes responded, “He's not the brightest congressman up there. We can work with him.”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

That statement can be said about alot of the current Law Makers. It's all show with no action. Look at Boner when he doesn't get his way he cries. Larry and his pervert men's club lie even when the facts speak for themselves. Look at Gonzo who was like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar while still lying. Americans are to lazy and really don't read or pay attention. If the Media says it they believe it. Chicken little the sky is falling.