Thursday, October 11, 2007

What we didn't know of Irve.

The legal document above from the court of PA in September 2007: "Pa. Tries to Toss Libby Law License."

Here is the court document.

And yes, Scooter Irve Libby is on the list of disbarred attorneys. But, I found some interesting information on those letters in support of Libby that were sent to Judge Walton before his sentencing. And this was not mentioned in the media. Check this out:

Libby was also actively involved in the Bush administration's efforts to negotiate the Israeli-Palestinian "road map" for peace; for example, he participated in a series of meetings with Jewish leaders in early December 2002 and a meeting with two aides of then-Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in mid-April 2003, culminating in the Red Sea Summit on June 4, 2004.[Former British Foreign Secretary (2001–2006), current Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice Jack Straw said of Libby: "It's a toss-up whether [he] is working for the Israelis or the Americans on any given day." In their highly-controversial and widely-contested "Working Paper" entitled "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy", University of Chicago political science professor John J. Mearsheimer and academic dean of the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University Stephen M. Walt argue that Libby was among the Bush administration's most "fervently pro-Israel ... officials."

Further information:
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy

On June 5, 2007, after Judge Reggie Walton sentenced Libby, Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) Washington, D.C. bureau chief Ron Kampeas observed that former Soviet dissident and Israeli politician and writer Natan Sharansky was one of many "Jews pleading leniency for Libby -- without success," and that Arye Genger, who served as a liaison between Sharon and the Bush administration, credited Libby with trying to reduce civilian casualties among Israelis and Palestinians during the second intifada. According to the JTA, "Libby is Jewish, and a significant portion of those who had pleaded with the judge for a lenient sentence are leaders in Washington's Middle East policy community."

Mmmm. The importance of Libby being Jewish for leniency??? Very interesting...


PrissyPatriot said...

O...M...G. the outrageous behavior of these necons knows NO boundaries.

Patriot Girl said...

Hello B-man & justice bloggers.

Well... according to Anne Coulter, Christians believe that all Jews are inferior.

Why anyone listens to this woman?

Seems to me Irve has played both sides of the field for a long time. What does "influencing or injuring officer or juror generally" mean?

SP Biloxi said...

Good morning, Prissy and Patriot Girl.

You can see from the posting that ties of certain religions to the administration. This is certainly ties to the Israel-Palastine war and the Israel-WH relationship and the Iraq invasion and the Iran propaganda for attack. Certain people were put in the administration for political reasons and for a political agenda.