Friday, October 12, 2007

Waxman and Tierney Introduce Iraq Corruption Resolution.

H.Res. 734 expresses the sense of the House that the State Department has abused its classification authority by withholding from Congress and the American people information about the extent of corruption in the Maliki government.
The resolution further condemns the State Department for retroactively classifying documents that had been widely distributed previously as unclassified, and by directing its employees not to answer questions in an open forum that call for “Broad statements/assessments which judge or characterize the quality of Iraqi governance or the ability/determination of the Iraqi government to deal with corruption, including allegations that investigations were thwarted/stifled for political reasons.” Cosponsors include Reps. Tierney, Maloney, Lynch, Yarmuth, Braley, Norton, McCollum, Van Hollen, and Schakowsky.

Video Clips
Click below to see highlight video clips of the hearing on Iraqi corruption.

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