Sunday, October 14, 2007

Warrantless wiretapping in place before 9/11; Really??

Yesterday, Washington Post publishes additional details about the Bush administration’s warrantless wiretapping, noting that the National Security Agency approached Qwest “more than six months before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.” But the Body Politik’s Igor Volsky points out that President Bush has claimed that the program was put in place in response to 9/11:

After September the 11th, I vowed to the American people that our government would do everything within the law to protect them against another terrorist attack. As part of this effort, I authorized the National Security Agency to intercept the international communications of people with known links to al Qaeda and related terrorist organizations. [

This seems like a breaking news story. Wrong! Washington Post was asleep at the wheel on this news story. Jason Leopold reported back in January 2006 about Bush authorized domestic spying prior to 9/11 with a declassified NSA document dated December 2000.

Bush Authorized Domestic Spying Before 9/11
By Jason Leopold
t r u t h o u t Perspective
Friday 13 January 2006

The National Security Agency advised President Bush in early 2001 that it had been eavesdropping on Americans during the course of its work monitoring suspected terrorists and foreigners believed to have ties to terrorist groups, according to a
declassified document.

The NSA's vast data-mining activities began shortly after Bush was sworn in as president and the document contradicts his assertion that the 9/11 attacks prompted him to take the unprecedented step of signing a secret executive order authorizing the NSA to monitor a select number of American citizens thought to have ties to terrorist groups.

In its "Transition 2001" report, the NSA said that the ever-changing world of global communication means that "American communication and targeted adversary communication will coexist."

"Make no mistake, NSA can and will perform its missions consistent with the Fourth Amendment and all applicable laws," the document says.

However, it adds that "senior leadership must understand that the NSA's mission will demand a 'powerful, permanent presence' on global telecommunications networks that host both 'protected' communications of Americans and the communications of adversaries the agency wants to target."

What had long been understood to be protocol in the event that the NSA spied on average Americans was that the agency would black out the identities of those individuals or immediately destroy the information.

But according to people who worked at the NSA as encryption specialists during this time, that's not what happened. On orders from Defense Department officials and President Bush, the agency kept a running list of the names of Americans in its system and made it readily available to a number of senior officials in the Bush administration, these sources said, which in essence meant the NSA was conducting a covert domestic surveillance operation in violation of the law.

James Risen, author of the book State of War and credited with first breaking the story about the NSA's domestic surveillance operations, said President Bush personally authorized a change in the agency's long-standing policies shortly after he was sworn in in 2001.

"The president personally and directly authorized new operations, like the NSA's domestic surveillance program, that almost certainly would never have been approved under normal circumstances and that raised serious legal or political questions," Risen wrote in the book. "Because of the fevered climate created throughout the government by the president and his senior advisers, Bush sent signals of what he wanted done, without explicit presidential orders" and "the most ambitious got the message."

The NSA's domestic surveillance activities that began in early 2001 reached a boiling point shortly after 9/11, when senior administration officials and top intelligence officials asked the NSA to share that data with other intelligence officials who worked for the FBI and the CIA to hunt down terrorists that might be in the United States. However the NSA, on advice from its lawyers, destroyed the records, fearing the agency could be subjected to lawsuits by American citizens identified in the agency's raw intelligence reports.

The declassified report says that the "Director of the National Security Agency is obligated by law to keep Congress fully and currently formed of intelligence activities." But that didn't happen. When news of the NSA's clandestine domestic spying operation, which President Bush said he had authorized in 2002, was uncovered last month by the New York Times, Democratic and Republican members of Congress appeared outraged, claiming that they were never informed of the covert surveillance operation. It's unclear whether the executive order signed by Bush removes the NSA Director from his duty to brief members of Congress about the agency's intelligence gathering programs.

Eavesdropping on Americans required intelligence officials to obtain a surveillance warrant from a special court and show probable cause that the person they wanted to monitor was communicating with suspected terrorists overseas. But Bush said that the process for obtaining such warrants under the 1978 Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act was, at times, "cumbersome."
More from Truthout.


airJackie said...

Yes SPB the newsjunkie was ahead of this story and now the Washington Post is trying to headline old news. Most of the Media news is old but they're brought and paid for.

This was a Cheney plan long before Bush stole the Oval Office. It was set up for friends in big business to take over smaller businesses and overseas businesses. Now when we were attack they slipped this in as a way to track terrorist.

Let's do the math long before 9/11 was set up this program was in place. Yet no one bothered to listen for the enemy they were to busy listening to businesses talk to each other.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean you're not being watched (or being listened to).

The Gerbil must have gotten his last name mixed up with Orwell.

Note to NSA--Please pay my phone bill while you are at it. The phone company is robbing me with such bills. Thanks.

The cat is happy not to have a teenager addicted to text messaging. (Such a teenager would have a paper route.)

SP Biloxi said...

"Note to NSA--Please pay my phone bill while you are at it. The phone company is robbing me with such bills.'

Sorry, kittybowtie, NSA can't help you on that. They will tell you to talk to the hand 'cause the ears ain't hearing you and give you a tin cup to panhandle for loose change for your phone bill.