Monday, October 15, 2007

SC justices not thrilled over Thomas’s biography.

Supreme Court justices reportedly are aren’t thrilled with Clarence Thomas’s new biography. The NY Posts’s Cindy Adams writes, “Phrases swatted about are ‘unseemly’ and ‘breach of decorum.’ Besides unraveling his life story, he has also delved into the ways and hows of the Court. They feel it ‘irresponsible’ for a sitting Supreme Court Justice to write about The Process.”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Thomas is unqualified so what does any one expect. He's doing the best he can to keep up with the orders he's given by the White House on what to vote on. He's getting help with how a lawyer and Justice conducts themselves. You take a man who doesn't qualify for the job and think he can learn on the job. Even understanding law is hard for Clarence Thomas. If they just let him learn while Director at EEO that you can't let 13,000 complaints lapse he might be learning more now.

I suggest Clarence attend night school first to learn more about law, the Constitution and just what the Judicial System is about.