Thursday, October 25, 2007

Repubs too busy for hearing on Iraq war’s cost.


White House staffers aren’t the only ones “not worried” about the ultimate cost of the Iraq war. The Republicans in Congress seem equally apathetic. The House Budget Committee held a hearing today to receive testimony regarding the CBO’s estimate that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars may total $2.4 trillion. Only one Republican member of the committee attended. Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) noted their absence:White House staffers aren’t the only ones “not worried” about the ultimate cost of the Iraq war. The Republicans in Congress seem equally apathetic. The House Budget Committee held a hearing today to receive testimony regarding the CBO’s estimate that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars may total $2.4 trillion. Only one Republican member of the committee attended. Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) noted their absence:

1 comment:

airJackie said...

The Law Makers who represent their States will have to explain the cost when the bill comes in. Our National Debt is already 9 Trillion dollars and still going up. Connie Rice admitted that Billions have been spent on supporting the enemy and propaganda. We know Blackwater is getting Billions and we are paying Billions for the innocent people we kill in Iraq.
I look forward to the United Nations charging the Bush Administration and Tony Blair with War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity. I know Castro hopes he's still alive to watch the trial.