Monday, October 15, 2007

Op-Ed: Words won't hurt the White House.

From Gulf News:

Criticism of the Bush administration's handling of Iraq is not new. Its incompetence, ignorance and hubris have led to the present mayhem. But rarely has the criticism been so explicit and from an "insider". He may be retired but Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, who commanded coalition troops in Iraq for a year from June 2003, still speaks with authority. His description of Iraq as a "nightmare with no end in sight" because of political misjudgments after the fall of Saddam Hussain that continue today, cuts right to the chase.

He called current strategies - including the deployment of 30,000 additional forces earlier this year - a "desperate attempt" to make up for years of misguided policies.

His withering comments have already been dismissed by the White House. Nothing new in that. Turning a deaf ear to the plight of Iraq and Iraqis has been a specialty of a White House unable and unwilling to learn from past mistakes. The American people are fully aware of the ineptitude of Washington's Iraq policy. And yet, incredibly, no one is held to account. The Nixon White House was held to account over a third-rate burglary at the Watergate complex.

President Bill Clinton was impeached. Yet the Bush White House seems strangely immune when legal accountability is discussed. Of even greater importance than domestic American politics is the plight of the Iraqi people. They are the ones experiencing the "nightmare" of daily life and death. Basic essential services, safe drinking water and electricity are severely interrupted. The twin threats of death and kidnapping lurk on every street.

Sanchez's criticisms are valid but Iraqis have no time for the Washington blame game. They know better than anyone who is responsible for their misery. They also understand that their current situation shows no sign of immediate improvement.


airJackie said...

No worries for the White House as the foreign countries will take care of the problem. Let's say everyone is now wise to the lies and have moved on without the White House. Words might not hurt but indictments, jail and the Bush legacy is finished. The United Nations will be bringing charges against the US and watch how the countries join together against the Bush Administration.

Anonymous said...

"Of even greater importance than domestic American politics is the plight of the Iraqi people. They are the ones experiencing the "nightmare" of daily life and death. Basic essential services, safe drinking water and electricity are severely interrupted. The twin threats of death and kidnapping lurk on every street."

This is why he is speaking out he has seen all of this and know it's still the nightmare for the Iraqis just as much as ever, yes his concious has got to him, at least he has one.