Wednesday, October 24, 2007

New India-Iran-Pakistan Energy Deal.

From Leftcoaster:

Add India to the list of Iran's new business partners, who are willing to give the finger to the Bush Administration.

Senior Indian government ministers are showing fresh enthusiasm for building an oil and gas pipeline to Iran, in a move likely to add further tensions to US-India relations.

Growing support for the pipeline, which would pass through Pakistan, comes as hopes fade for a hasty conclusion to a historic nuclear power agreement with the US.

Palaniappan Chidambaram, India’s finance minister, said after meeting his Iranian counterpart in Washington on Monday that the pipeline was “completely doable” and “we should do it – Iran has the gas and we need the gas”.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Further bring more tension to the US - India relationship...........not
The Gerbil Administration is causing all it's own tension and not to blame it on any other country, for any lame reason.