Monday, October 15, 2007

More of Sara Taylor's New Gigs.

From BLT:

The BLT reported last week that former White House political director Sara Taylor had registered to lobby on behalf of Iowa-based Renewable Energy Group. In an interview last week, Taylor confirmed that she is working part-time for Renewable Energy Group and is also a partner at D.C.-based DMM Media, a Republican political consulting firm. Taylor says she'll be concentrating on the firm's new issue advocacy group rather than on politics.

Taylor, a former senior aide who worked for President George W. Bush from early in his presidential bid until resigning in May, was intimately involved with the administration’s political strategy. She said the issue advocacy group plays to her strengths in advertising and message development.

Her work with REG allows her to maintain a connection to her home state of Iowa, she said. "I love the company. They’re really good people, it’s a great product and it’s great for what it’s doing for my home state," she said.

And how coincidental that Taylor is from Iowa, the state that will be first to have its forst Presidential primary in January. Hmmm....

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Question SPB with all the GOP Law Makers leaving will Sara Taylor run for office and take the oath again? The GOP need candidates in Virgina and other states with the fall out. Look Sara knows how to lie under oath which makes her a true Christian Values Republican.