Friday, October 26, 2007

Memo to Faux Noose: Find out if Snagglepuss is gay.

Since Faux Noose has time on their hands to criticize Dumbledore being gay, maybe they can find out if my favorite cartoon character, Snagglepuss, has sugar in his tank.


KittyBowTie1 said...

That is a job for Jerry "Teletubby" Fallwell.

airJackie said...

I remember my kids watching that cartoon and I really never gave a thought of anyone being gay. I guess you have to think that way to ask that question. I learned about gay people as a child and was taught not to judge be give the respect that's given to you. The press is making a big thing out of these fake people so they wont have to report how made the White House is doing.

O'Reilly could only dream of selling a book that made as much money has JK Rowling. Harry is now an adult with two boys and one girl with his wife Jenny.

SP Biloxi said...

"That is a job for Jerry "Teletubby" Fallwell."

LOL! It just getting ridiculous of Fox News and other nimrod journalists wasting the public's time with analyzing cartoon characters and fictional characters who are gay. This tells how low the name of journalism has become.