Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Liveblogging on GOP debate. Part 3.

5: 25 PM: Social Security is the issue now. Thompson saying we have to do some things, like having a growing economy and lower taxes to help solve the "problem" of ss. Again, his mike seems a bit muddled and unclear. I'll stop writing about that. I've made my point.

5: 27 PM: Hillary attack again, this time from Romney. He's saying his health care plan is better. Romney says his plan is cheaper and would have private insurance instead of government insurance.
5:31 PM: Unions are the topic right now. Congressman Paul seems to favor them, Huckabee gave a yes, but kind of no answer, as did McCain. So did Romney: "some good unions out there and some bad ones. Of course I'm not going to name the bad ones." Got a laugh on that one. Any union members here?? Must be at least one or two or more.
5:34 PM: Rudy G. says people should have a right to join a union or not. Congressman Hunter says we need to work with unions, Brownback says yes to unions and talks about his mother as a union member--but wants over sight. Congressman Tancredo: he says you can pretty much forget unions--because they can affect public policy, like dare he say it, illegal immigration.
5:37 PM: Ah, it's not just me losing my hearing. McCain asked for a question to be repeated, cause he couldn't hear it. He said he's against government subsidies for ethanol. McCain mentioned Ronald Reagan--first time anyone did--and got a few hand claps.
5: 38 PM: A "tense" moment when Chris Matthews said Fred Thompson should have just stopped with his answer of no about if the government should step in to stop a strike against Chrysler. Just a little tense, not much really when Thompson tried to make light of it with a response. TV break time. Last one. Audience standing, talking. Candidates talking, standing.
Next thread!

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