Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Life in the United States of Moronica with Bush.

WASHINGTON: US President George Bush on Tuesday warned that Europe urgently needs a US missile defense system to blunt a growing threat from Iran, despite vocal opposition from Russia.

In a speech to the US National Defense University, Bush said the world might have less than a decade before arch-foe Tehran possesses rockets able to reach the United States and strike any country in Europe, perhaps by 2015.

“Today we have no way to defend Europe against the emerging Iranian threat. And so we must deploy a missile defense system there that can,” he said. “The need for missile defense in Europe is real, and I believe it is urgent.”

Bush’s message was that the world could ill-afford to wait.

Bush also sought to soothe angry Russian opposition to the plan, insisting that the system aimed to thwart possible attacks from North Korea or Iran - not Moscow. “The Cold War is over. Russia is not our enemy,” he said, noting that the US plan calls for 10 interceptor missiles in Poland and a radar in the Czech Republic and could be “easily overwhelmed” by Moscow’s massive missile arsenal. “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to do the math,” quipped Bush. afp

Now, the clown is panhandling to Europe for help since Russia turned in him.


airJackie said...

PBS explained so much about Iran. Now if Bush/Cheney bomb Iran the US will have no support and the other Middle Eastern countries will support Iran even the Saudis. Bush said he has secret weapon that can blow up the under ground centers in Iran. Now Iran has a secret weapon that isn't a bomb. At lease Iran said if the US attacked their country they have missiles that are really to hit Israel and wipe it out then send those secret weapons to the US.

If anyone remembers when we bombed Iraq only 3 bombs out of 54 hit the target. Does Iran have the right to defend itself from an attack by the USA.

Anonymous said...

" Today we have no way to defend Europe against the emerging Iranian threat. And so we must deploy a missile defense system there that can,” he said. “The need for missile defense in Europe is real, and I believe it is urgent.” “Today we have no way to defend Europe against the emerging Iranian threat

Did he ask Europe about this? Does Europe feel the same way?