Sunday, October 14, 2007

Letterman's Great Moments In Presidential Speeches Compilation

Video for Sunday!


airJackie said...

Bush is a comedians dream everything he says is stupid. He is truly a walking talking joke. I love it when he's asked about important things like Blackwater, torture, NY Ports and how many soldiers of died. He always says he didn't know about it until he read the paper or heard it for a reporter. Now all this is going on without his knowledge then who's making the decisions. It sounds funny to hear Cheney and Rove say they had to go to the President for approval yet he doesn't know anything about it. Gonzales was told to sign orders that he didn't know what they were. Is something wrong with this picture.

Letterman will have to get tapes of the Gerbil after he leaves the White House and starts giving speeches around the US. I just wonder will anyone pay to hear a drunken druggie talk like an idiot.

Anonymous said...

What was the point when he asked if someone had 4 or 3 kids, and then he forgot why he asked, and he met an onion grower and he needs help plucking, pulling whatever they do with onions? And recruiters have to be stopped with recruitements or whatever he was trying to say........oh my gosh what an imbecile, there is no way with the stuttering etc, misspronounciations, made up words, talking about Iran and then oh I meant Iraq, that this man was ever capable of running anything.