Saturday, October 27, 2007

Law and Order SVU gets it right; TV imitates life.

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Crooks and Liars:

On Monday, NBC aired a powerful episode of Law & Order SVU in which a murder investigation uncovers a plot that ends in the arrest and trial of an American doctor who worked as a torture adviser for a private company in Iraq. Thanks to the SVU team, the doctor has her medical license suspended, which eventually will ruin her career.

In a perfect world, we would be seeing these kinds of trials take place today, but for now we’ll just have to hold out hope that someone in power, who still possesses a conscience, will make it happen. NBC did a fantastic job of telling the truth about torture, its effects on its victims and casting shame on those who engage in it or condone it in any way. Major kudos to NBC for getting it right…

And cheers to Dick Wolf Productions...

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