Saturday, October 13, 2007

It's Saturday! Open Thread!

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Now here's some facts for you SPB.
Daddy Bush called Bill Clinton something stupid and he called Al the OXone Man during the campaign for President. Later he made jokes during Al two terms in office still referring to him as the OZone Man.
Years have passed Daddy Bush is so desperate for an educated son he calls Bill Clinton his son. But cries for the two real idiot sons Jeb/George.

2007 the last laugh is on Daddy Bush and I bet he's not laughing now. Yes the OZone Man he joked about for over 10 years has won every award possible and now the top Nobel Peace Prize. Even Daddy Bush didn't get that one. While the World cheers the OZone Man, Daddy Bush's idiot son George is made to be seen for the true idiot he is. Yes Putin bitch slapped Connie Rice and sent her packing back to the Gerbil with the slap. Oh and Gates should have just stayed home he is not even in Putins league. Watch others take advantage of the weak stupid Gerbil. I hope the President of Iran sends his regards to Al as well as others the Gerbil calls Axis of Evil. Any way you slice it Daddy Bush and his two idiot sons have made history as the family of possible inbreeding.