Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Iran Calls for Int'l Tribunal to Deal with US War Crimes.

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Deputy head of Iran's judiciary here Tuesday called on the world's independent legal and judicial bodies to form a war tribunal to punish the United States' warmongering ruling party for its crimes.

Seyed Ebrahim Rayisee viewed the recent statements made by the US president about contingencies of World War III as a serious threat to the international peace and security, and stressed, "Iran's peaceful nuclear activities are carried out under the legal and technical inspections of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and such remarks indicate the ignorance and confused status of the US ruling party in dealing with international relations, and specially Iran's peaceful nuclear activities."

He further said that the crimes committed by the US ruling party in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as Washington's increasing threats in the international arena would bring nothing to the US but further political isolation.

The official said the world today knows very well that the hawkish policies of the US administration have come to a dead-end, "and in case the United States continues violation of the international norms and criteria, it will have to face increased pressures from the side of the world Public opinion, particularly the American people, insisting the illogical leaders of that country to revise their current attitudes."


airJackie said...

It's about time. Now the US can look for Bush/Cheney to pay for their crimes, both will wish they had been impeached in the US. All the victims of the US will testify and the spies they used will come forward. Bush's so called allies will turn him on and he will pay big time. Putin will have a front seat for this one. If they killed a fake Saddam the real one will be watching. Daddy Bush will be doing more then crying for his baby boy. Cheney will be broke when this is over. Libby might have work even if he gets disbarred. He can staple the forms for the legal team. Gonzo can make copies he's good at that. Karl Rove has his own problems and only hopes his name doesn't come up. Rummy will say he's to old to go to jail and retired to a nursing home as his punishment. Chavez and Castro will be cheering. The Iran President will vote Bush/Cheney guilty with respect. Israel will claim it was all the US idea and Connie Rice will say she was following orders.
All the countries that allowed the US to use their land for torture will come forward and Bush will have his legacy.

Anonymous said...

He further said that the crimes committed by the US ruling party in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as Washington's increasing threats in the international arena would bring nothing to the US but further political isolation.

It appears this is happening already, faster than we think, who hasn't this administration not brought political isolation from? Here we have other countries getting together at all the summits, and getting together with the anti gerbil theme.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Oh hell, even Tony the Lapdog will be throwing the Gerbil under the bus to save his own butt. Maybe Chancellor Merkle should start, after she files sexual harassment for the creepy shoulder rub.

Anonymous said...

the rest of the world knew that the iraq invasion was a violation of the UN charter thus the US constitution.

SP Biloxi said...

You are right, Markie.

The international countries are just tired of the Gerbil. They are looking forward of working with the next President. And I know that George and Dick will be held accountable for their crimes after they out of office. They better be scared of the UN or an international country charging them for war crimes.