Thursday, October 11, 2007

Gov's Son Plans His Own Affidavit.

From TPM:

Republican lawyer Dana Jill Simpson's affidavit implicating Karl Rove in the decision to prosecute Gov. Don Siegelman (D-AL) has taken center stage so far in the ongoing story. But now it looks like it might get some competition.

Son of Gov. Bob Riley (R-AL), Rob Riley, told the Times Daily he plans to sign his own sworn affidavit, countering Simpson's claims.

According to Simpson's sworn statement, Rob Riley participated in a 2002 campaign call where a local Republican operative, Bill Canary, said Rove had been in touch with the Justice Department about a Siegelman investigation. Simpson recently told House investigators that three years later Riley told her Rove had gone directly to DOJ's Public Integrity Section, presumably in 2004, in an effort to stymie Siegelman's 2005 campaign.

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