Monday, October 15, 2007

GOP staffer: Pelosi = ‘un-American.’

Now there is a new definition of Un-American.
From Thinkprogress:
On Saturday, activist Bruce Fealk confronted Rep. Joe Knollenberg (R-MI) about his support for Bush’s Iraq policy and the veto of the bipartisan SCHIP legislation. During the videotaped confrontation, Knollenberg’s Chief of Staff Trent Wisecup had some choice words for Fealk, saying he was “un-American,” “not a citizen” and “blinded by” his “hatred of this country.” In the exchange, Wisecup explained that he’s “speaking for” the Congressman.

When the Politico’s John Bresnahan asked Wisecup to define “un-American,” he responded by saying it was “
un-American” to support Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA):
It’s un-American to cheer for the imposition of $85 billion of Nancy Pelosi CAFÉ mandates that would destroy the American car companies and the good-paying UAW jobs they provide.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Things are really bad in the GOP Crime Family you'll hear anything. Look the GOP brain is gone now it's a free for all with all the nuts.