Thursday, October 25, 2007

Global Warming Can Be Fun for Purina.


CDC officials are now revealing that the White House heavily edited Gerberding’s testimony, which originally was longer and had more “information on health risks“:
“It was eviscerated,” said a CDC official, familiar with both versions, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the review process.
The official said that while it is customary for testimony to be changed in a White House review, these changes were particularly “heavy-handed,” with the document cut from its original 14 pages to four. It was six pages as presented to the Senate committee.

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) today put out a statement, stating, “The Administration should immediately
release Dr. Gerberding’s full, uncut statement, because the public has a right to know all the facts about the serious threats posed by global warming.”

Here is Purina's press conference today:


KittyBowTie1 said...

Hey, be nice to Purina! I am what I eat and I eat a lot of that stuff.


airJackie said...

Purina knows when she walks out of her job she lied. I hope what their paying for her to lie is worth it. Now Purina and her husband would be moving to England after the Administration leaves. Her husband is from England and the US taxes will be to high. It's time for the GOP to get as much money as possible. Now with Global Warming Bush veto the heating bill for the poor. Look for Americans to freeze to death during the winter and say Al Qaeda did it.

SP Biloxi said...

"I am what I eat and I eat a lot of that stuff."

I'm Popeye, the sailor man! Toot! Toot! LOL!

Anonymous said...

OMG, what a Bimbo when asked why Katrina residents ( 27% did not have cars), and San Diago residents (5% don't have cars) and she was being asked why the lower income residents in a natural disaster aren't taken care of the same.........her duh, answer, well it's important to have cars for transportation, and natural disasters don't pick where they are going to occur.........duh....she missed the question about the treatment, immediate aide etc that was being given to residents....I am sure her and the Gerbil can talk for hours and understand each other, they seem to be on the same level

SP Biloxi said...

"OMG, what a Bimbo when asked why Katrina residents ( 27% did not have cars), and San Diago residents (5% don't have cars) and she was being asked why the lower income residents in a natural disaster aren't taken care of the same."

Ha Ha! I had to laugh at your comment. Purina is worthless as the press secretary. Time for her to pack up.