Monday, October 15, 2007

Faux Noose salvates over Gore, boosts Petraeus for the Nobel again.

Faux Noose is suffering from Gore Derangement Syndrome.

From Thinkprogress:

On Friday, ThinkProgress noted that the day before Al Gore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Fox News hosted New York Sun editor Seth Lipsky, who argued that Gen. David Petraeus, the top military commander in Iraq, deserved the Nobel instead of Gore. As Nicole Belle points out today, Fox hosted another Sun columnist, Seth Gitell, on Friday after Gore received the award. In the segment, Gitell continued Fox’s attacks on Gore, again arguing in favor of Petraeus.


airJackie said...

Faux Noose needs to build a bridge and get over it. Petraeus will get his reward by living with the fact he didn't protect his soldiers and lied for the White House.

Gore won and Bush is a loser those are the facts and nothing will change that. Let Daddy Bush give his son the silver star and medal of honor because that's the only way he'll win something. The Nobel Committee doesn't have an award for the Dumbest World Leader if they did the Gerbil would get it hands down.

Anonymous said...

Most of Faux Noose is reported by narrow minded, one sided, arrogant weasals who are only interested in their agenda however unimportant to most of America, however far away from reality, when they have guests on they talk over them or cut them off so, even though, they had the other side on, they could be fair and balanced...they don't let them talk, so you only get Faux Noose Brand Noise.