Monday, October 15, 2007 Washington Post Journalist Killed In Baghdad.


In Iraq a Washington Post correspondent was shot dead in Baghdad on Sunday. The 32-year-old Salih Saif Aldin had worked for the paper since 2004. Iraqi police officers said they believe Saif Aldin was killed by members of the Sunni tribal organization the Awakening Council which is aligned with the U.S. military. Iraqi government officials have accused the Sunni group of abusing its partnership with the Americans by killing and kidnapping residents. Aldin, who was born in the Iraqi town of Tikrit, is the first Washington Post reporter to be killed during the war. According to the Committee to Protect Journalists at least 118 journalists have been killed in Iraq while on duty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sad, and to know it could have been done by a group of having a partnership with Americans, even worse.